Another Milestone Reached at Godley Green
14th November 2022
Another milestone has been reached for the Godley Green Garden Village. Continuum have led the team as they considered and responded to comments raised by consultees during the initial consultation period. This has included detailed discussions and technical work with a range of consultees including National Highways, TFGM, United Utilities, Environment Agency, GMAAS and others over the past year, culminating in a planning and environmental statement addendum being submitted to the LPA for consideration on the 4th November.
The Continuum team have been involved in the Godley Green Project since inception, performing the role of Development Director and Programme/Project Manager on behalf of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council. Godley Green is a regionally and nationally significant residential development of circa 2,150 homes that will create a step change in the Tameside housing market. The project is supported by Homes England through the Housing Infrastructure Fund and is one of GMCA’s priority schemes in the Greater Manchester conurbation.
Further information about the project can be found on the website: